Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Garage Sessions

It's been a while since my last post but nothing new has happened. Same things happen everyday but hey I am enjoying myself.

Yesterday me and my friends had our "The Garage: Session 9", yup you are reading it correctly it is already session 9. Maybe you guys are wondering what this session is all about well first it is a time where me and my "tropa" at work get together and have a drinking session and it is named The Garage because we always do this at Richard's garage.

Here are some pics from the first to the 9th session.

Session 1 : None
Well I wasn't able to attend so sorry no pictures :(

Session 2
Here you can see the whole gang, This is my first time to join in this drinking spree and boy did I enjoy myself. These guys are the type of guys that I would say have the same wavelength as I have. The beer is ice cold and the pulutan is great!

Session 3
This is the only session wherein the whole group is complete with the addition of Mark (the tallest one). Look at all the bottles of beer and food that we had. I think we were able to finish two cases of SanMig Light.

More pictures will be added on my next post!!!

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